Three Common Problems to Consider during a Home Foundation Inspection

If the foundation of your house sustains damage, your entire structure will be compromised. There are multiple problems which can lead to foundation failure. For instance, the structural element might have been poorly designed or built during the initial construction. The foundation can also deteriorate over time due to poor soil condition, inadequate drainage and flooding. If you suspect that your house is in danger of foundation failure, you should commission an inspection. The assessment will reveal the weaknesses in the structure and allow you to perform timely repairs. Here are some of the common problems that you should look out for in the foundation inspection report. 

Installation Issues

The inspector will examine the structure of your house's foundation and identify problems related to the original installation. In general, the consultant will ensure that the footers are placed at the recommended depth for proper support of the building weight. Also, they will make sure that the walls of the home are correctly set on top of the supporting footers. In some cases, the foundation can fail due to the use of inappropriate construction materials. Therefore, your inspector will check on the type of building product used as well as its quality to prevent failures from a weak supporting structure.

Building Waterproofing

Moisture or water in the foundation structure is a common cause of house failure. If water pools around your home, it can penetrate the concrete slabs and footers and cause premature failure of your building. Fortunately, residential structures are waterproofed to prevent the adverse effects of ingress. However, if the waterproofing fails, your home will be highly vulnerable to complete failure. Therefore, you should be keen on finding out the condition of your foundation waterproofing from your inspector. This expert should provide information on the health of the bituminous material or waterproofing membrane. If this element is damaged, they will also check for foundation water damage.

Foundation Movement

Finally, you should know whether the foundation of your building has been moving or shifting over the years. While most of the movement is not noticeable, it indicates imminent failure of the house. The most common sign of foundation movement is cracking. For instance, you might notice fractures in the exterior masonry, ceilings and the areas around your windows and doors. Also, floor tiles might have shifted from the desired position and mouldings might separate from the walls. These signs indicate serious structural problems. 

Foundation repair can be complicated and challenging. Therefore, consult underpinning services experts for restoration for the best outcome. 
